Monday, 27 October 2014


Hello everyone.Welcome back to Bellezateenvida.  

Now I'm not really one for Halloween but this year as soon as hit October I was so exicted.Due to all of this exictment I thought I would do a Halloween cupcake recipe for you all to enjoy and share with your friends.

This method makes 10 cupcakes.
Ingredients:for the cupcakes 
120g butter (unsalted)
120g caster sugar 
120g self rasing flour 
2 eggs
1 tsp of vanillia essence (if preferd) 
1/2 tsp of bicarbonate soda.
For the icing.
210g of butter (unsalted)
105g Caster sugar
Food colouring 

Mixing bowl X2
Eletric whisk
Wooden spoon
Piping set (not essential you can just do it with a spoon.
Bun cases 
Bun tray 
2 tbsp
Preheat the oven to 160/gas Mark 4. Line your baking tins with with the bun cases 
 Put the sugar and the butter into a mixing bowl and whisk unitil smooth next beat in the two eggs and then gradually fold in the flour and the whisk together so the mixture is a smooth consistency at this time you should add the vanillia essence. 
You can now put the mixture into the bun cases,I normaly do this with two spoons and  fill the cases half way.
  Once you have done this you can now put your cakes in the oven for roughly 15-20minutes.TIP:you can always check if your cakes are done by stick a knife in your cakes and if the knife comes out  any mixture on it then their done,if not they need to go back in.

Once your buns are cooked leave them to cool on a cooling rack.
When they're cool you can start decorating!
Your buns might have a pointed top but just cut this of sideways so it leaves you with a flat surface to pipe your Icing on to.
How to make the buttercream icing:
 In a bowl whip the sugar and the butter together untill smooth and then add your food colouring (if you doing different coloured icing I would divide the icing into different bowls and then add your food colour to each bowl) 

Once you've mixed your food colour into your icing you can start piping it onto your cakes or just put it on with a spoon,it's entirely up to you.
And there you go your finished I just drawed some Halloween "scary" pictures on some paper then stuck it on a skewer for added effect. 

  Myself and Izzy would love to see your cakes if you ever did make them so please tweet us at @bellezateenvida with pictures.
        Thank you for reading 
              Happy Halloween! :) 

Sunday, 12 October 2014

Travel Essentials!

Hey guys!                                                                                          Welcome Back!

As I've been traveling around a lot this month,I thought it would be useful  if I did a blog post about what I take with me when I'm on a long car journey or on the train,feel free to let me know what you like to take with your when you're traveling in the comments.

This may not be everyones cup of tea but when i'm traveling i like to read,whether it may be a magazine or a book,its also quite a relaxing method of calming yourself down if you get anxious of traveling.

       Its very important to stay hydrated when traveling,to avoid travel sickness etc.I opted for coke as it was very early in the morning but a healthier choice would be water obviously.(Maybe i will get water next time.not)

I brought tic tacs with me just to snack on when i'm on the train,and I also think it helps travel sickness.And you always need fresh breath.


Music is essential for me,especially if you want to block out everything else around you,if your not really into music you could listen to an audible book
But for all you music people heres a playlist on some of the music that I Like to listen to when traveling
Bang Bang - Jessie J
Ed Sheeran-ATeam
George Ezra-Blame it on me
Beyonce-Pretty Hurts